Our Event Sponsors
Without our amazing sponsors, Moab Rocks wouldn’t be possible. Thank you for all of your support!
Presented by
Official Partners
Sponsorship Opportunities
If you like what you see and are interested in learning more about becoming a Moab Rocks sponsor, please see our 2025 Partnership Package HERE, or email aaron.mcconnell@transrockies.com for more information.
In the meantime, here are a few event details:
Rider Participation
Moab Rocks has a lot we can offer our sponsors. In 2023, we anticipate welcoming 350 riders from all over the world. Generally, we expect them to be:
25% female
Between the ages of 35 and 54 (70%)
Representing 10 different countries
From outside of the host community (99%)
University or college-educated (over 80%)
In a middle to upper-class income bracket
Most riders spend 2-4 nights in the host community and spend more than $100/day on food and souvenirs.
Sponsorship Packages
We have a number of different ways that organizations can get involved in sponsoring Moab Rocks. They are as follows:
Title Sponsor
$20,000 – 1 Available
Presenting Sponsor
$15,000 – 2 Available
Logo and branding are associated with individual promotions each day.
Stage Sponsor
$5,000 – 3 Available
Supplier Sponsor
$3,000 – 10 available
Named the category sponsor for your business niche, which includes exclusive on-site presence and logo recognition. Niche examples include mountain bikes, clothing, headwear, automobile manufacturer, bank.
Advertising/Expo Sponsor
$500 – Unlimited Availability
Flyer or discount coupon added to the event package. Online promotion of the activity or discount opportunity, and the opportunity to set up at the finish line on Saturday or Sunday (or both).